Cassie Ewulu

Voice actress

A Nigerian American voice actress and singer based in Dallas, Texas with remote recording capability. Cassie has been providing voice over for video games, anime, commercial, and corporate projects for several years. She is best known for her roles in SMITE (Hi-Rez) as Yemoja, Kemono Jihen (FUNimation) as Akira, Lake (WhiteThorn Games) as Kay Evans, Flipping Death (Zoink! Games) as Penny, Cris Tales (Modus Games) as Lucia, and many more!

**Photo taken by Emi Lo**

latest roles

Home Studio Specs

Microphone: Neumann TLM103
Interface: RME Babyface
Preamp: Great River ME1-NV
DAW: Reaper & Adobe Audition CC'17
Remote Options: Source Connect Standard, Skype, Zoom, Discord
Internet Speed (Ethernet): Down: 900 Mbps/Up: 60 Mbps
11'x11' home office treated with professionally crafted acoustic panels and ceiling traps from GIK Acoustics

Atlas Talent Logo


voice over Bookings


Tim Walsh (NY)
Kayleigh Lemire (NY)
christopher davis (LA)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Animation & video gamesHeather Dame (LA)[email protected]
ADR/DubbingNormand Leblanc (LA)[email protected]
Promo & TrailersArielle Negrin (LA)[email protected]

Any other inquiries?

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